Our 100 wishes quilt

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Quilt square #26

"Live like you were dying."

Quilt square #25

"Live like you were dying."

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Quilt square #24

"Never lose the fascination and curiosity you have for the beautiful world around you. Also, I hope you have all the love, health and happiness."

Quilt square #23

"May you have a life of comedy, get a good education, always be healthy and happy, and love and be loved by those around you."

Quilt square #22

"May you have a life of comedy, get a good education, always be healthy and happy, and love and be loved by those around you."

Quilt square #21

"May you have a life of comedy, get a good education, always be healthy and happy, and love and be loved by those around you."

Monday, October 16, 2006

Quilt square #20

"Adoption is when a child grew in it's mommy's heart instead of her tummy. I, too, was adopted. We are special and chosen with love. It's the best feeling ever!"

Quilt square #19

"A baby is a blessing; a gift from above.
A precious little Angel; to cherish and to love.
When a child is born, the Angel's sing!
And babies are Angels with invisible wings."

Quilt square #18

"May you be as lucky as the ladybug. Wishing you health, peace, love and happiness."

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Quilt square #17

"May you always take time to stop and smell the roses."

Quilt square #16

"I hope you dance."

Quilt square #15

"May you always have an angel by your side."

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Quilt square #14

"Whether you're winning or losing, hitting home runs or sometimes going through a slump, may you always know that you have a fanfare of loving family cheering you on!"

Quilt square #13

"No matter how old or young, may you always find time in life to run & play, to stop to smell the flowers, to take lots of naps, and to always run & kiss your mommy and daddy when they walk through the door. And may you never pass up the opportunity to enjoy a good treat!"

Quilt square #12

"May the squares of this quilt serve as a timeless source of comfort and love."

Quilt square #11

"May lady luck follow you all the days of your life!"

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Quilt square #10

"Your new country is the United States of America, the greatest place on earth. America represents freedom which will allow you to grow and develop without restrictions. You have been given the opportunity to live in a country where you can be anything you want to be. We wish you a wonderful life!!!!!!!!!"

Quilt square #9

No wish included.

Quilt square #8

No wish included.

Quilt square #7

No wish included.

Quilt square #6

No wish included.

Quilt square #5

"I would like to share with you the fabric that I used for my daugher Sofia's 100 Wishes Quilt. I chose this fabric because of my love for animals. My wish for you is a life full of love, courage and happiness."

Quilt square #4

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

Quilt square #2

"Live, Love, Learn, Grow, Share, Explore."

Quilt square #3

"May you honor and respect your Chinese culture, while appreciating the freedoms your parents have afforded you by bringing you home to America."

Quilt square #1

"For a happy life, make memories that will bring you pleasure."